Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Little Bee Co. Bee Changed Diaper Review and Giveaway

Today I am reviewing The Little Bee Co. Be Changed Bamboo diaper. 

I came across this diaper in my search for a nighttime solution for R.  He was doing very well not leaking at night in his cloth diapers until he started sleeping on his belly with his butt up in the air.  He is a VERY heavy wetter and that combined with gravity and his chosen sleeping position was resulting in wet jammies and sleep sack EVERY morning, right on his tummy.  So I started searching for a diaper that was big enough to stuff (a lot) and that had tummy elastic to hold the diaper snuggly against his belly.  I found several brands and bought 1 or 2 of each to try out. 

I must say I LOVE this diaper.  It is bamboo lined, which means it absorbs very quickly, with elastic in front, back AND on the pocket opening!  I really like that the pocket opening elastic means I don’t have to worry about a slack pocket opening slipping out the top of the diaper like many brands do.  I also love that it has 2 rows of snaps, which means I can adjust the leg opening and waist size somewhat independently.  The craftsmanship is great!   It comes with a large insert and a smaller booster insert. I got the standard microfiber inserts but you can get hemp/organic cotton inserts as well. 

Being the cautious person I am I decided to try the diaper out for daytime first, with just the large insert.  I must say, it worked GREAT, even through a nap!  No leaks and the fit was great (I tend to just unsnap one-size diapers these days.  I like the higher rise).  I have tried this diaper multiple times at night now, with both inserts, and we have had about 80% success, which is as good as the only other diaper we now use at night and way better than ANY others we have tried.  This is with a baby who also leaks out of overnight disposables.   

Not only does Little Bee Co. make a great diaper but they also have a great mission.  For every diaper purchased they donate a diaper to an orphan in need.  I have come to look forward to their updates about their “diaper drops” on their Facebook page.  I find this diaper to be VERY worth purchasing.  Little Bee Co. also makes a newborn diaper, the Bitty Bee Changed Bamboo (I plan to add it to my list of must-try newbie dipes for my next baby) as well as their one sized pocket in Microsuede for those who need that “stay-dry” aspect. 

How can you get your own Little Bee Co. diaper?  Well, you can buy one from their website, or you can use the rafflecopter below to win one!

Please let me know if anything goes wrong with the rafflecopter widget, I'm still not a pro at this blogging/giveaway thing
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I ordered a diaper bag from them and LOVE it! Can't wait to try their diapers!

    1. I love that they have dropped diapers in Ethiopia too because we have friends that have adopted one child from there and are in the process of adopting another!

  2. I love the little be co, would love to win!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Loved your Scarlett's naturals review!

  5. I read fast, easy dinner. I am making pot roast right now. Mine has carrots, potatoes, onions, and soup in it.

    1. It is an easy, delicious meal isn't it?!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I purchased one of these diapers and the diaper that they donated went to a women and children's shelter in Honderous I believe. I think that what this organization is doing is wonderful. I breaks my heart to think that their are places in this world were there are no resources to keep babies clean and sanitary. Organizations like this one are absolutely amazing!

  8. I have a friend who swears by the NoseFrida... I may have to check them out. Loved reading that post!

  9. They have done drops in Uganda, China and even Joplin MO.

  10. They have dropped to Amani Baby Cottage in Uganda!

  11. I live in rural America were beef is the the primary source of income for farmers. My husband and I don't have cows at the moment but have been contemplating getting a few for our family. I love knowing were my beef came from. I love that you are a beef advocate and help people understand the processing of beef. Also pot roast is one of my families favorite winter meals. During the summer it would be hamburgers on the grill. My husband and I were at a friends house this weekend and all we had were hot dog buns so we created a new family favorite and that would be beef logs, hamburger in the shape of hot dogs haha. They were not to be give it a try some time if all you have are hot dog buns and a hamburger sounds really good!

    1. That totally sounds like something D would do!

  12. Easy, Fast Dinner caught my eye! Commented there, too!

  13. Serving His Children in Jinja, Uganda

  14. Serving His Children in Uganda

  15. The Starfish Foster Home in China

  16. Love your beef advocacy. I had only heard of "pink slime" recently - thank you for your post regarding this topic. The media can be very one sided.

    1. It's very sad that one little phrase perpetuated by uninformed media outlets can cost so many people their jobs.

  17. loved your post on the nosefrida i definitely want to try one of those!

  18. One of your drop locations for diapers has been Uganda.

  19. I read the post about Beef. Slow cookers are great ways to make a quick dinner! I don't use mine that often because I keep on forgetting to prepare in the morning and by the time I remember it is too late to have it for supper! :(

  20. Uganda or China or MO.

    debnmike moretti

  21. Joplin, Missouri was a past diaper drop location

  22. diapers for devastation in Joplin, MO

  23. Uganda is just one of them!

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  24. serving his children in uganda

    (Rachel N on raffelcopter)

  25. Amani Baby Cottage in Jinja Uganda

  26. Serving His Children based in Jinja, Uganda, East Africa

  27. They have done a drop at the starfish foster home in xian china.
    arobinson45 (at)

  28. Uganda, and Joplin. Nice to see a company do so much in so many places!

  29. The Starfish Foster Home, located in Xian, China.

  30. They have dropped at Serving His Children in Uganda

  31. They dropped in Joplin, Missouri

  32. Serving His Children is a mission organization based in Jinja, Uganda, East Africa

  33. I read the Sausage and Rice post. Looks good! I didn't know I could cook rice in my slow cooker! Yum! I'll be making it this week for sure!

    1. You can cook SO much in a slow cooker that people don't know about. Keep watching and I will probably surprise you with some more things most people wouldn't think you could cook in one.

  34. I know your friend Sarah who you posted about in Little Books on the Prairie!

  35. Serving His Children in Uganda! Such an awesome company!

  36. I read your delaying first foods post, and I absolutely agree. We EBF'd until 6 months, and then after trying bananas and avocados, decided to wait another 6 weeks as DD was starting having reflux (which she had never had with mommy milk). She's incredibly healthy and a great eater so I know we made a good decision.

    1. R is just now sitting up on his own so I think for his 6 month birthday we will try a little avocado. I don't know why so many people want to start their babies on food so little, that's just one more step in them growing up!

  37. They made a diaper drop right here in the USA in Joplin, Missouri!

  38. Serving His Children is a mission organization based in Jinja, Uganda, East Africa.

  39. I just read your post about Delaying First Foods and I completely agree. We waited until 6 months to introduce solids and I would have waited until at least 9 months, but baby girl was just too interested in foods. First thing on the menu was avocados. Unfortunately, she was not a fan. Top two favorites are sweet potatoes and bananas. Of course, my well meaning MIL could not understand why she was not on cereal at 6 weeks like all her babies. Sigh...

    1. D's family thinks I'm CRAZY that he isn't on food yet. My grandma doesn't understand it but most of my family sees he is healthy, happy and meeting all of his milestones ahead of schedule so they are like "hey, whatever you wanna do!" My grandpa did think he needed a Peep for Easter so we had to keep an eye on him!

  40. They drop at Serving His Children in Jinja, Uganda

  41. They've dropped in Joplin, Missouri

  42. They had a diaper drop off in Jinja, Uganda on 5/12.

    ziggy28028 at yahoo dot com

  43. serving his children, uganda. quietct at gmail dot com

  44. Joplin, Missouri.

  45. The Starfish Foster Home in Xian, China.

  46. Joplin MO ~ about an hour from me!

  47. I enjoyed reading the WHYs to your delayed first foods. We didnt believe in giving our baby food until he showed real interest. He had a few tastes prior to 6 months... but never really had a meal other than breastmilk until he was about 7.5 months - bananas and sweet potatoes.

  48. It looks like Xian, China and Uganda were their last two drops?

  49. This company has a great mission! And a great product! Donating one diaper for every one purchased! So generous, even in a tight economy!

  50. Starfish Foster home is one place they have dropped
    masugr at yahoo dot com

  51. joplin...which is so cool that they do this

  52. I read your post about 4 month sleep regression I hadn't heard about it either until my baby turned 4 months lol. My good sleeper started waking at night at 4 months too. I then discovered lots of mommas experience the same problem :(

    1. I keep hearing people say I need to just let him cry because since he used to sleep longer stretches they think he is capable of it now and he is just manipulating me. But honestly, he is growing so much and is SO busy during the day I genuinely think night is his eating catch-up time! I wish more mamas knew it was a very well documented phenomenon.

  53. Diapers for devastation joplin, missouri

  54. The Starfish Foster Home in shaanXi Province
